EMMETT Therapy

Coach Roz is facilitating EMMETT Therapy to benefit the needs of Studio A members, and the wider community (you do not have to be a member to book in).

Emmett therapy involves the use of light touch which influences the release of muscles, muscle groups and soft tissue. Light pressure sequences are used to release problem areas, sometimes relief can be felt instantaneously.

EMMETT therapy can be used to benefit shoulder tightness, stiffness, and associated pain. hip, lower back, and tight hamstrings. as well as ITB pain and stiffness, calf muscle tightness and plantar fascia pain.

Please wear loose clothing or gym clothing is ok. This technique does not require the removal of clothing.

 Upon booking your first session, please arrive 5-10 minutes early to complete the initial form.


15 minute EMMETT

The focus for this express treatment will be
on one specific area of discomfort.


30 minute EMMETT

Includes a release of upper and lower body muscles.

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